Signs & Signage

Signage is the design or use of signs and symbols to communicate a message to a specific group, usually for the purpose of marketing or a kind of advocacy.

frosted acrylic logo sign 5

A signage also means signs collectively or being considered as a group.


Looking for acrylic/LED wall/door signs in Nigeria or in search of any sign making company in Lagos that has quality as a hallmark, branditprintit is the best professional sign making company you need. We specializes in supplying quality office door/wall/table signs you can use in the reception, conference room, restroom, board room, stairway, hall, computer room, exam room, lunch room.

3d signage

Signs are any kind of visual graphics created to display information to a particular audience. This is typically manifested in the form of wayfinding information in places such as streets or on the inside and outside of buildings. Signs vary in form and size based on location and intent, from more expansive banners, billboards, and murals, to smaller street signs, street name signs, sandwich boards and lawn signs. Newer signs may also use digital or electronic displays and we offer great designs.